December 21, 2018

What is the most "normal" city in Canada?

What does it mean to be “normal”? Consider for a moment the quintessential Canadian city. What does that image in your head look like? Are there outdoor rinks, wheat fields, and abundant Timmies? Does your mental image include a yoga studio, a dispensary, and a third-wave coffee shop? Canadians like to celebrate a self-constructed identity of diversity-the cultural mosaic- that is punctuated with conspicuous Canadiana that binds everything together. Read more

July 12, 2018

Mirror images: city similarity with t-SNE

While putting together the data for the longer post on measuring and visualizing diversity and segregation in Canadian cities, I wanted to see if there was an intuitive way to compare similarity of cities across multiple Census demographic variables at the same time. Comparing across many Census variables at once requires us to think across many dimensions at once. As our eyes really perceive in at best four dimensions, visualizing many dimensions requires a reduction in the number of dimensions from many to the two (or three) dimensions that best allow for visual interpretation. Read more

July 9, 2018

Diversity and Segregation in Canadian Cities

This is the first post from what I hope to be is a series of posts looking at the spatial distribution of different demographic variables in Canadian cities. In this post, I take a look at the diversity of visible minority groups in Canadian cities using Census data. By using a measure that relates diversity to segregation, we can also look at how these cities distribute minority groups and to what extent these cities are segregated. Read more

October 23, 2017

Small multiples with maps

TL;DR: Small multiples maps are one of my favourite ways to communicate multiple variables with a quantitative and spatial dimension. This example uses small multiples to show the distribution of the most spoken non-English languages in the Toronto CMA. Scroll to the end to see the results. After seeing the excellent electoral results maps from the Berliner Morgenpost, I wanted to experiment with a similar approach for an alternative take on my maps of linguistic diversity in Canadian cities. Read more

October 3, 2017

Language Diversity in Canada

The Confusion of Tongues, Gustav Doré, engraving c.1865-1868 Language Diversity Index The Language Diversity Index is a quantitative measure of the diversity of languages found in a given area. In a country like Canada with two official languages, a rich history of diverse Aboriginal languages, and a long history of immigration from a wide range of countries and ethno-linguistic cultures, we would expect to see a relatively high score for linguistic diversity. Read more

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